There are many areas that I want to improve. Someone famous once said something about always improving your life to be happy. And I can say that doing all of these things has truly made me happier!Cleaning: aside from a few days when I have not been feeling well (I am recovering from a total of 3 weeks in the hospital and 2 surgeries in the past month), I have cleaned everyday. My living room and kitchen are definitely showing great improvement, and FlyLady is to thank. I have been:
- Shining my sink every night and wipe down the counters and the stove
- Getting dressed everyday, and doing my make up
- Doing a few missions, cleaning or decluttering for 15 minutes everyday (my bedroom is the worst and that's mostly teaching stuff that I can't do anything with, I just moved and tossed a bunch then), and do a hot spot daily
- I pick out my clothes every night, check my calendar and make sure everything I need is out
- The other day I dusted everything in my living room/entrance/dining room/home office (it's a small place by I bought it!), and the next day I swept the whole place!
- When I shower every morning I wipe down a part of my shower to keep it clean
I am very proud of my home and am willing to have someone over at any time. Before I was always running around straightening when I had a friend coming over (even I could make 560 sq ft a disaster), but now it's just the bedroom and even that clutter is somewhat organized, just waiting for a classroom of my own.
Physical Fitness
I came out of the hospital stronger after the second visit, having been bored out of my mind and walking for 30 minutes just for something to do. I'm up to walking a half mile at least with my dog at least once a day, and multiple quarter mile walks daily. I even jogged about 20 feet the other day. I plan on taking her to the park soon.
I'm going fairly strong with the food journal (oops, slacked off today! Better not make it a habit) but haven't really noticed any correlations yet. I'll give it another few weeks before I move to the next step. I finally made my own real meal last night: chicken breasts with a paprika and garlic...dusting I guess, and frozen vegetables warmed up. I was disappointed, however, when the whole meal turned out to be less than 100 calories. I do have an appointment with a nutritionist next month. And I'm reading a lot about healthy diets and trying to find stuff on higher calorie healthy foods I like.
I must admit, aside from making myself promises, I have done nothing here. I have told myself I would call a friend every day and make plans once a week, I have done none of this. I'm just so nervous because most of my friends are still new friends and it's that old sort of grade school feeling... What if they don't like what I said... What if I'm annoying them... Just silly nerves. But I must do it! Especially those who were sweet enough to visit me in the hospital, and Lacy who did twice. I really must do a better job of being a good friend.
Overall, I'd say I'm doing pretty good! I'm not perfect, but I don't want to be. I'm trying hard and I'm succeeding in some areas, and am going to work harder in others. And I will call Lacy tomorrow to set up something this weekend. Or Elise, whose who family came and whose father was sweet enough to buy a book and let me borrow it first. I have amazing friends, I really must do a better job of them!
Is anyone else doing anything for self improvement? How are you doing? What tips could help others?
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