Sunday, September 12, 2010

Starting over

If a rose bush is cared for, it can survive for many years, producing new flowers every year. But in the off season, even when taken care of, it is nothing but a green bush just like any other. And yet, come spring, it re-invents itself into the beautiful rose bush we look forward to every year. (forgive me if I got the timing or anything off about rose bushes, it was more about the metaphor)

But how often do we get to reinvent ourselves? Reblossom into a clean-slated beautiful rose? The answer: anytime we like! As a Christian, the Lord has forgiven my every sin, even those I will commit 60 years from now! We have no need to live in the past and regret what we have done wrong! Too bad it's not as easy with our former best friend who's ex-bf we slept with a week after the big breakup (oops).

But seriously, every morning look at your life. Are you excited to wake up, go to your job and see your friends? Or are you dreading work, the ever growing unread messages in our inbox and the coworkers who range from secretary dressed in an executive halloween costume, to the ones with no style and seem to be the bionic employee.

Then there are your friends. Are they the ones you can vent to, get appropriate compassion and cheer you up. Or do they complain about the fact that the boutique was out of stock in their size and then their hair stylist with the three month waiting list couldn't fit her in for a quick wash, color change, and complete restyle.

My suggestion: start over!!!!!

This is my story: I am a Pharmacy Technician (fairly legitimate job) with Target (and then it goes downhill). Most of my coworkers are great, very hardworking and we get our work done. However, most of them graduated from high school, and some are incredibly intelligent, but speak as though they barely graduated from high school. Bad grammar is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Others do nothing but complain about the 5th near accident they were in this week, or constantly bring up in disbelief that I don't watch the news every night and am constantly shopping.

We are all different, and I love everyone of my coworkers for the people they are. I don't think in anyway that I am better than any of them, but that doesn't mean that I have to want to spend time with them.

I also just recently became a Christian, and so many of my friends are not Christians. They are happy, great people, they don't do anything wrong, and I really enjoyed their company. However, I have changed. I enjoy different activities, rather than going on a drinking flirting binge a few times a week, I enjoy grabbing a single drink and having actual conversations. Rather than laying on the couch Sunday morning because of said "great night out," I'd rather go to church and worship with wonderful people.

This is all just a part of growing up. As we get older and experience new things, we change, and it is only natural to grow apart from friends who may not enjoy the same things as you. If you aren't satisfied with your life just the way it is, I challenge you to start over: Here's how:

Step 1: gather your thoughts in reference to why you are unhappy. Do you enjoy your job? Do you enjoy your activities and friends? Are you activities what you really want to do? Are there ever times that you do not feel like yourself?

I wrote about those things above.

Step 2: Make two columns. Summarize step one into different phrases in the left column. In the right column write what would make you happy. For instance:
I don't enjoy my friends New friends
I don't enjoy barhopping all night New friends with new activities
I don't enjoy my coworkers New job

Step 3: This step make take some time. But begin to think about what you can do to make the right column happen. Think about who you enjoy spending time with and what you enjoy doing. If you want to move, what characteristics of cities you have visited do you enjoy? Here's what I will do:
New friends with new activities: I have a great group of friends through church. I am not very close with them, but they are so sweet and I always have a great time spending time with them. They always view the world as glass half full and are filled with the Holy Spirit, so I can lean on them in every way I need. They enjoy grabbing a drink and oogling at boys, and while many of them have a little bit of a wild past, they aren't the type to abandon their friends to go talk to a new guy, nor surround their entire life around a guy.

New job: What do I enjoy doing? I love to teach and work with young children. One must be college educated and generally speak as though they have been. It is a real career that is going somewhere, one that people look up to.

I wish everyone luck, and I would love to hear about your new starts! It is tough, and I don't ever suggest cutting ties with old friends or old coworkers simply because of something like this. However, if you are happy, those around you probably aren't either.


  1. HI Ryann! I like the subject of your post--"Starting Over." I've done this a thousand times-- most recently, I left NYC where I had been living for six years, traveled Asia for 8 months, and then moved to New Orleans (my hometown). I literally had to start over and over and over again... and I loved it because I had complete creative control over my life.

    Thanks for sharing your experience. :-)



  2. I am so jealous that you have been able to start over in such a way. In grade school I always dreamed that my parents would decide to pick up and move and let me start over, to let my classmates create new assumptions of me instead of remember me for who I have been (never bad, but not who I am now)
    Now I have realized it doesn't require any changing of location. You can decide to reinvent yourself anytime and anywhere. Anything that you aren't enjoying or doesn't show you in the light you want to be in can be crossed from the list of who you are and simply substitute. Some things are more difficult than others (friends for example), but if you really aren't enjoying even the big things, then you aren't being true to yourself.
    Lauren, how did you change as you moved from virtually 3 different worlds? You said you are originally from New Orleans, how much of the style and culture did you accept into yourself as you lived in each place (something I am completely guilty of) and how much did you stay true to your Southern roots?
