- Cash! It is always good to keep some cash with you. First of all, it is much easier to keep track of your spending if you keep cash with you. Also, some services only allow cash payment, or a minimum of a certain amount for cash. For instance, if you have to get towed by AAA, they will tow you a short distance at no charge, but you have to pay by the mile beyond this. And they charge to a card a minimum of about $30, unless you have cash. To be sure of the amount contact your AAA, or other similar service.
- Credit Card! Unless you have a problem with self control, it is a good idea to keep a credit card with you for unexpected charges. Most unexpected charges are known in advance (doctors appointments, car repairs), but it is a good idea to prepare for the unexpected.
- Photo ID! Preferably a driver's license, this is always good to keep with you. It is required to drive, purchase tobacco, alcohol and pseudo-ephedrine. And also for proof of name or address.
- Emergency contacts! If you are in an accident (heaven forbid), the important people can be contacted. Typed will be easiest.
- Important medical information! If you are in an accident, doctors cannot automatically know what prescriptions you are on, what medical conditions you have, what allergies you have. Once again, typed will be easiest. Type all of your medical conditions, prescriptions and drug allergies. Also add your doctors names and phone numbers.
- Health insurance cards! Make sure you have them all, including prescriptions... if you have them. Make sure you know the difference! I am a pharmacy tech and you have no idea how many times we get a doctor's or dentist insurance card, something we can't do anything with!
- AAA! You never know when you may have a flat tire, or your car break down. It is a good idea to have this and so that you have the phone number and your account number.
- Daily Medication! If you are on any daily medication, carry a few with you at all times, just in case you don't make it home. Especially if this is a medication you cannot go a day without, ask your pharmacist if you can pay out of pocket for a few, and carry them in a little pill box. Any small, sealable box will do, even an extra pill bottle. Make sure it is sealable, and will stay sealed. For instance, small jewelry boxes are pretty, but made for show and they may open back up fairly easily.
- Pain relievers, decongestants... Anything you feel as though you may need when you are out. If you get headaches or other pains at all, keep some Ibuprofen or Tylenol with you. If you have a sensitive stomach keep something for your tummy with you. Anything you think you may need. Many of these have travel size bottles. Most Targets have a section devoted to travel size.
- Pepper Spray! Anyone, especially females can be subjected to random acts of violence. If you are ever walking through an empty parking lot or parking garage, or just get a feeling, pull it out and hold it until you reach your car and lock it! And leave immediately. If you are the type to write down your transactions down and sit in your car for a few minutes, get out of this habit. Even in the middle of the day someone can carjack you. Pull your receipts out, place them in your lap, or somewhere you will remember, and copy them down at home where you are safe.
- Female products! Keep a few spare ones available for surprises, or for friends. Many women track their cycles, but if you are anything like me and can't remember, or you have an unreliable cycle, keep some with you.
- Insurance! It is a good idea to keep a copy of your insurance information, as well as contact information, typed and in an envelope, in your car. Keep several copies. This is a good idea because what if you are in an accident. Even if it isn't your fault, you should still exchange information
- Registration! You never know when you may be pulled, or drive through a check point. Make sure you have this handy and up to date! Mark this on your calendar when your registration needs to be updated! Some officers won't do anything if your registration is recently expired, a simple warning, but this is a ticketable offense. Make sure it is handy. Remember that the officer is vulnerable, and often not very liked, out on the road or highway, he or she doesn't want to be out there long.
- Cell phone charger! You never know when you will need your cell phone. It would be very bad if you were to run out of gas or pop a tire and be left with a dead cell phone. I have had a phone that had a little battery inside that is only activated during 911 calls, but don't count on this.
- Umbrella! Even if you are like me and think that umbrellas are too much to worry about on most days, what about those days when you spend a lot of time on your hair and make-up for a nice dinner and everything cooperates, and the weather decides not to cooperate. Toss it in the back of your car (or there is space in the drivers side door in Jettas?).
- Maps! With the prevalence of smart phones today, these aren't as necessary, but it is always a good idea to keep a map in your car of your state, especially if you just moved.
- And more can be found here!
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