If your school was anything like mine, you mostly went to parties where you knew a lot of the people attending. While most schools have a good number of bars in the area, mine had 2 nasty ones that most people didn't go to. So when I moved back to the city and began barhopping, it was a completely different experience. Here are some suggestions to follow to help you stay safe. Most of these will pertain to a female, considering I am a female, and the world, especially involving alcohol is often more dangerous to a female.
- Talk to your friends about intentions beforehand, and exchange numbers with any new people. Make sure everyone has an idea of the plan, and get it out if there is a bar to avoid. Make sure the dd won't drink, or go ahead and arrange for taxi payment. Make sure everyone knows intentions. If someone has no intention to go home with someone else, discuss this sober, because alcohol can change peoples minds and lead to regrets.
- Pregame! This is only for the one not driving. If you pregame, or drink before going out, you spend less money on outrageously priced drinks. I usually pregame with a crude screwdriver, simply orange juice and as much vodka as I can handle, and then stick to mostly beer when I go out.
- Do not drink and drive! People do it no matter what anyone says or does, and it is better to be sober and alert behind the wheel to watch for those who aren't. Getting a taxi is also cheaper than a lawyer, and you don't have to worry about parking. If you get four people together, a cab fare won't be very much.
- Always have cab fare. Sometimes the dd gets caught up and next thing they know, they can't drive, and may or may not drive anyway. Or you may accidently get separated, or end up somewhere you don't want to be. Call taxi companies and get the average fair (usually the same throughout the city) and figure out how much yours would be. Do not spend this money on alcohol!
- Don't go home with someone you don't know! You may get labeled by your friends if you make a habit of this, and word of these habits do tend to get around. Even once, you may have the best of intentions, but things can go south bad and you may end up hurt or dead. If you do make a habit of this, or think you may at anytime, carry protection with you. Then there will be no excuse.
- Don't drink in excess! Few things are tackier than passing out on the sidewalk. Don't do three shots in a row, they will hit you at once. If you pregame liquor, stick to beer for awhile. Learn your limit and stop at that. Don't make a fool of yourself. Always keep an eye out for your friends to make sure they don't make a fool of themselves.
- When you get home, stop drinking! Don't continue drinking! Don't waste alcohol on just yourself. When you do lay down, pay attention. If you get the spins, sit up and sleep that way, you will probably puke if you ignore them
- Most importantly, have fun, tip your bartender, and don't leave anything or anyone behind!
cute blog!