Monday, January 24, 2011

Making a Home

This past weekend I had a wonderful time with 3 of my closest friends. We sat around with wine and caught up with each other. This is part of what makes a home, somewhere where you and your friends can relax and unwind.

When deciding how to make your house, condo or apartment a home, it's always best to start with a plan. In my former apartment, I chose a wall color and went from there. Every few months I changed my mind on the style. This time I spent nearly a year in advance deciding color schemes, layouts, and decorative details. Combine is somewhere where you can see it all at once. This could be on a bulletin board, or in a notebook. I taped sheets of printer paper together for each room and taped photos to these pages. Any little detail I saw that I liked I printed and circled. It has made decorating so much easier. I have been able to go out and buy exactly what I wanted with no regrets.

No matter your style, if you like to socialize at all, your living area should be set up in a way to condone this. This is why I have a big, comfortable sofa, and several comfortable chairs facing a center point.

To save money it is also important to use as much of your furniture as possible. If you look closely, the chairs covered in white "slipcovers" are my former dining room chairs
- To do this I bought a bag of non-fusible queen sized batting, and roughly cut sections to go over the chair. If you plan on using the chairs again later, but tight slip covers in a light color to put on under the batting to avoid damage to the chairs. I then put white slipcovers on top of the batting. I couldn't find what I wanted in time for my gathering, so I used my white drapes. I folded and hot glued them in the back and I plan on sewing and neatening up the bottom. If space is an issue for you, it is better to keep them short to show more space between the legs.

Bright colors also set a brighter mood. This is just the beginning of where every home differs, every person has a different opinion on color. I chose a preppy, bright and happy pink and green for my color scheme, with light yellow walls (that is the actual paint name). Everything around my apartment is bright pink and green, it looks bright and happy no matter my mood.

In my opinion, it is important not to leave your personal items laying around. Your home should look lived in, but guests should be able to sit down comfortably without worried they may see something too personal.

I keep magazines on my table for myself and guests. I also keep my coat, keys, purse and a place to put mail by the door. For everything else I use drawers and baskets. In the far right corner you see my mail basket. In the drawers in the console I keep daily necessary items, the second console is also a make shift desk. The drawer holds stationary items, the basket contains more stationary and I'm going to get a file folder to place beside it that will match the over all decor.

My coffee table has baskets in it, I use these for blankets while watching tv, without causing clutter. I will also use them to clear my coffee table in the event of a last minute guest.

If you look closely in my photos you will also see some moving boxes. I plan to put white bookshelves on either side of my tv. The chairs will go in front of them to hide personal items I will store in baskets on the bottom shelves, on the middle shelves I will put things I may want, such as books and DVDs, and more decor on the top shelves. I would like to paint the back of them the color of the walls, and add a connecting shelf between the two to create the look of built ins. These will make them appear more flush to the walls, less invasive into my small living room.

Lots of lights are also important I have five us far, all easy to turn on using high efficiency bulbs. Even if you have a ceiling fixture, it is important to have lights at all different levels for all different uses. People will be in every inch of your living room if there is a chair available or something to look at. So think about where people sit and what you want to show off, place lighting especially near these places.

The most important thing to remember is that your home represents you when you have guests. Make sure you keep it in a manner in which you would be proud to show. Use color that you love, but I would suggest looking into color meanings, and look at photos to see what you like. Also decorate with items that mean something to you. It could be an item you hold special to your heart, or just something you thought looked nice. Seeing things that make you happy will make you more comfortable where you live, and will make your living arrangements a home!

Good luck!

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Final Chapter

What to do when you find out that a final friend from a former life has been significantly hurt by you.

I have decided to ignore it. There is nothing I can do to change her mind. I still think great things about her and wish all three of those ladies the best of luck in the future.

I realize that I have caused many changes is several peoples lives. After a huge fight with one friend, she moved back home. I ruined a friendship with a best friend of many years, and two more wonderful friendships.

But there is nothing that can be done, once a person makes up their mind that you are a bad person and not worth there time, there is nothing that can be done to salvage the friendship. It would be like chasing after an old boyfriend. If it is meant to be, we will be friends again in the future. But it is pointless to chase them trying to change their mind.

This is an important mentality during a fight or falling out with a friend or significant other. Continuing to push is like scratching a sore. Unfortunately, you have to let things heal in order to mend anything salvageable.

Also look at what they have to say, because there is some truth behind it, always. While what they say is said with passion- it is still their feelings. Use what they have to say to change and better yourself.

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

I am a homeowner!

I bought my home yesterday! My mom and I have already rolled the entire living room, I'm getting a couch and a new closet on Tuesday, my dining room table and coffee table I ordered online and should arrive soon, and so I plan to be living there end of next week, slowly moving over the rest of my stuff.
Life is also starting to get back to normal which is wonderful! One of my bible studies starts back next week (I better get going on my homework!), and I have dinner plans with some girlfriends... And I finally paid for a month, and I've been emailing a guy and we have plans coming up. We'll see how this goes.
But life has returned to normal! After everything that has been going on, my life is finally starting to settle down. And I will share my adventure in my new life!
If your life has been like mine over the past few months, here is what to do:

- Compartmentalize and separate. Create a folder for the big things (buying a house) and only deal with that when you literally sit down with it. Don't worry about it at work.

- Mark big dates on the calendar. Of course mark the date you must turn in such and such information, but keep the date in mind that the big thing is over (closing date). It may inch forward for awhile, but it will speed up.

- Once that day comes, relax! Because you have earned the result! And you probably have a lot of work to do now with the result.

I have really enjoyed my time of house hunting, and am very happy with the result. I can't wait to share the finished project. But here are a few teasers from before I bought it!

This photo was taken during the inspection, so just look past the sweet inspectors gear.

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Staying busy

Hello loyal readers! Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great holiday season, I know I'm excited its over and we can get back to normal. I have missed normal life so much. Friends, bible studies, the steadiness of a regular schedule. I have been so busy, I haven't been myself for months.

I have bought my house and I close on Friday or Monday. This is the last big thing I have been dealing with and I'm excited to become myself again.

It is good to know who you are and who you want to be. This is what will make you most happy.

It is good to have all kinds of friends, but I have mentioned several times my falling out among my closest friends. The problem was that I was discovering who I was and I was no longer happy. Since I wasn't happy in my friendships, my friends weren't happy and so the friendships fell apart.

It also helps at home. I am vffv v c v. (courtesy of my dog, Zoe). I am a young, single, preppy lady. Socializing is important and fun for me, and I will incorporate it into my homes decor.

Overall, I have a lot coming up and I cant wait to share it.

I will share with you soon!

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Location:Raleigh, NC