I have already more or less completed a grocery shopping notebook. I have included in it, sheets and sheets of coupons, and recipes that I want to try. To that, I plan to add a standard shopping list for me, and the ingredients for all of my regular recipes.
I am beginning the aforementioned life notebook tonight, and will post as I go!
My dog, Zoe, playing with my former roommates stuffed animals!
Hey I just found your site and would like to say that I think its amazing and that I'm very thankful for it. so thank you tons and can't wait for more advice and tips
hey! I recently stumbled upon your blog via 20sb. I am going through similar things as you, I recently graduated and I relocated to and i'm figuring out life. anyways I too have a notebook to organize things. I actually have like menu for the week to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and my budget. also i use it to jot down upcoming events I'd like to check out that week.